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Showing posts with the label Varnishing paintings

Painting Edges of three New Coastal Paintings

  I put my last three oil paintings in an assembly line to paint the sides.  I often take over the dining room table to perform this task.   The painting in the middle is based on our trip up to Watercolor Beach, FL with Chula, our dog.   I think I will call it "I Only Have Eyes for You". John was focused on Chula and not the beautiful woman who rode by on the sunlit sidewalk next to a stream.  I knew when I took this photo, that I would capture that moment on a canvas one day.  I miss our little Chula.  She loved to go on trips with us.   I also painted this glistening waterlily painting based on a Florida marsh at sunset.   The carnival of colors are delightful and memorizing.  I am a big fan of Monet and can see his influence in the way I paint my waterlily paintings.  I remember visiting an art museum and admiring one of his waterlily paintings.  I asked the curator why the edges still had white  canvas showing and remarked that it looked unfinished.  She said that Monet

Getting Ready for Artigras Art Festival

 Amber's Artsy Notes It is January 1, and I am making good on my New Year's Resolution to also include a post once in awhile on art tips and things I have learned on my artistic journey.  I hope to help other artists in some small way---it is about paying it forward.  I hope that you find the tips and resources helpful.  I've started off on the right foot  with two posts about my new easel and one on applying an isolation coat and varnishing! Applying Isolation Coats on Acrylic Paintings: Look who came to dinner!  Over my Christmas break from my job, I was working on getting all my paintings ready for my first art show-Artigras Art Festival. Some of my acrylic paintings are shown on my dinning room table where I was working assembly line style.  Preparing your paintings for varnishing is an important step.    Each of my acrylic paintings received three isolation coats (two is probably sufficient). Because I paint with lots of texture, I like to put an extra is