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Showing posts from January, 2022

Painting Edges of three New Coastal Paintings

  I put my last three oil paintings in an assembly line to paint the sides.  I often take over the dining room table to perform this task.   The painting in the middle is based on our trip up to Watercolor Beach, FL with Chula, our dog.   I think I will call it "I Only Have Eyes for You". John was focused on Chula and not the beautiful woman who rode by on the sunlit sidewalk next to a stream.  I knew when I took this photo, that I would capture that moment on a canvas one day.  I miss our little Chula.  She loved to go on trips with us.   I also painted this glistening waterlily painting based on a Florida marsh at sunset.   The carnival of colors are delightful and memorizing.  I am a big fan of Monet and can see his influence in the way I paint my waterlily paintings.  I remember visiting an art museum and admiring one of his waterlily paintings.  I asked the curator why the edges still had white  canvas showing and remarked that it looked unfinished.  She said that Monet